
  • Tetsuya Kouno, Ph.D
  • JobAssistant Professor
    BureauElectronics Research Institute
    Research FieldSemiconductor engineering
    Research KeywordsNitride materials, Optical micro-cavity, Whispering Gallery Mode Academic Background: Sophia University Graduate School of Science and Technology
    Final academic historySophia University, Graduate School of Science and Technology
  • Research History -April 2008 - March 2011: Research Assistant - Sophia University
    April 2011 - November 2011: Post Doctorate - Sophia University
    MessageRecently, many people give much attention to the life-science research rapidly advancing. Then, my research target is to realize revolutionary analytical methods with tiny semiconductor structures, to help the progress. The tiny semiconductor structures whose scale is approximately 1 to 2 μm, have interesting functions. They can accumulate the light-energy in their structures, and also can discharge it with their ambient situation. Thus, they can act as optical tiny switches. Using the functions of the tiny structures, I want to realize super sensitivity label free biosensor to monitor living cells, DNAs, RNAs, and micro-chemistry materials with sub-micron to micron area and real-time. In future, I expect that the researchers in life-science field reveal and explain detailed mechanisms of many biological phenomena by this tool.